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Nursing Stories: The MVC

Posted by York RN on February 3, 2010

harvest_corn_fieldI was with my mother driving back from a visit to Port Perry, Ontario. It was late summer. I rolled the window down, and watched the rows of corn.

I could see black smoke as we approached an intersection. We drove up and stopped. Cars had stopped and people were climbing the roadside barrier. There was a steep hill and then the cornfield. At the bottom two crumpled cars sizzled, their black smoke rising into blue sky.

In the closest car, I could see a man. He wasn’t moving.

My mother and I climbed the barrier.

The man had a square shaped, quarter sized hole in his forehead. A woman was trying to give CPR, but it was difficult. Someone told her not to move the man. He still had his seat belt on as she provided CPR.

People were discussing an elderly couple in the other vehicle. One was unconscious, and the other they thought was dead, perhaps from heart attack.

I could only observe. I had no knowledge or skill.

Later, the EMS arrived and plucked the injured from the scene and sped away.

We returned to the car and drove home.

I can’t say that it was at this point I wanted to become a nurse, but it motivated me.

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